Just brush once in the morning (before breakfast) and then once at night (before bed). And no I'm not a lone freak, nobody in my family needs dental visits or has cavities or gingivitis or whatever. No, I don't use Listerene everyday (though dad used to pour it on our cuts and scrapes). I think it just might be not brushing properly, not brushing long enough and enough times in one day.
I got two cavities due to laziness and depression. It hurt like hell and so I went to the dentist. She cleaned it up and told me I should have my 2 back teeth removed! Hell, no! I took matters into my own hands, I researched the net for those hippie herbal type cures. And the evil dentists who want to cash in your teeth (they partner up with the tooth fairy), don't want you to know that they work. I started brushing properly using a fluride toothpaste, Colgate Total
- If you do have cavities:
- Swish out your mouth with water after everything you eat. Starve those bacteria. Takes like 10 sec.
- Chew Xylitol Gum
(it is proven to reduce cavities. Gum? Yes! Woohoo!)
- Drink plenty of milk, it is proven to help reduce cavities.
- Massage your gums, use the side of your brush or finger. It helps, I know. Blood circulation and all, strength, need I say more?
- Using Colgate Total
as opposed to Sensodine is good. I know.
- For immediete relief try Clove Oil
, it numbs down the zapping pain better and longer than Oragel.
- Cut pieces of raw garlic (click this just for fun)
and hold them against your gums for and hour. Okay DON'T. I did and the suphur in garlic burns you a new one. On the bright side the cavity pain dulls due to the pain & discomfort of raw sulphurizing your gums.
- Eating Cheese, yeah. "Contains fatty acids that possess antibacterial ingredients. The protein in cheese also coats and protects tooth enamel".
- My top secret formula. Call me.