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Friday, January 21, 2011

Friendly People Need Privacy Too! - A Piece of Advice

So a friendly cashier loves to chat with all his customers (aww how nice, all we get in Jersey are mopey depressed cashiers with Freddy Krueger type faces) but wants a friendly way of saying, "NO", when customers ask to befriend him on Facebook or for his number. Abby (from the Dear Abby columns) thought he should tell his customers, "I keep my private and personal lives separate, but thanks for asking".....what the......"thanks for asking"??? Who says that to someone?? It is an obvious blowoff, and while I understand this guy wants to keep his private life separate, people will be "offended" at the rebuff. Instead.......

What I would say to him:

You should just tell them your manager considers that inappropriate behaviour, and you cannot give out your personal information. Telling people you cannot give out personal information will put up the perception you don't want to associate with them, you are just being pleasant at the register because you have to. And you don't want that. So just tell them, handing out personal information during work hours is against store policy. Most people in our society do not question things, they just go with it.

P.S Ha! It'll suck for you if some hot chick..........er..... I mean using this method, you shall be disappointed if an attractive young woman wants your number and you cannot give it out due to "store policy". :)

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