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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sick Boy and The Girls Who Want Him - A Piece of Advice

So there's this boy who wants his girlfriend to take secret pics of girls and their nether regions in the locker room at school. And this girl is writing for help, "What should I do? I don't want to lose him! I'm an idiot who cannot think for herself!". Okay, so she didn't quite say the last sentence, but then again she did - with her mind.

In response to this dumb child many people wrote in some interesting points I never would have thought of. One, she can be charged with child pornography and I quote from a psychologist, "The young lady and whoever receives and distributes those photos could be convicted of a felony, serve prison time and live the rest of their lives as registered sex offenders." And all of this, because of a stupid immature act. The girl who writes in to the column obviously knows this is wrong or she would never have written, now would she? Unfortunately, her need to please her boyfriend, make sure he thinks highly of her (which if she thought about it, he most obviously does not) is at the top of her mind.

I would say: Are you serious young lady?? You would never have written this letter had you thought it would be anything but wrong. Are you aware that young people your age have killed themselves after having private information outed forcefully? Can you live with the fact that one of those girls might just have a heightened reaction to her naked photo on the Internet? And that is where it will go. Digital is digital. Your boyfriend will promise not to show anybody, he might keep his word even. But maybe his friend borrows his phone, discovers the pictures and forwards some to himself- it goes on from there. Did you know your pictures are sent to a cell tower first, and those pictures can be accessed by people with know how or legally. I think the biggest issue here is, YOU. Why would you think a boy who'd rather look at OTHER girls cares for you? Why do you think a boy who forces you to do something you tell him you don't want to, in any way cares about YOUR well being? Tell him, if he really cares for you, he will find something else to amuse himself, as this disturbs you. There are plenty of things nowadays, and this would show he cares.

You have the option of telling your school office - anonymously. Nobody needs to know it's you, and you can get cell phones banned in the locker rooms. Your boyfriend (should you choose to keep the thing), will not be able to pressure you into taking pictures anymore. Ta-Da! And remember dear, don't do things you wouldn't want done to you. BE STRONG, make a sacrifice and let your boyfriend go BUT do not hurt (potentially for life) other young girls no matter how carefree and "open" they may seem to you.


  1. The title is hilarious, I was wondering what the article was about when I came here.
