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Monday, January 10, 2011

Donations are not always smart - A Piece of Advice

A woman wrote in all angry that some kids she knew who couldn't pay up for their school lunches might be cut off. She found this out while helping them pick up papers they dropped on the sidewalk. She was angry they didn't qualify for aid by a few dollars. She wants people to donate to other soldiers kids who can't afford to pay for school lunches.

While it was so nice of this woman to pay for school lunches, I would refuse any donation asking for these children. If they were near the lunch aid cutoff, then they certainly did not need to buy expensive school lunches!! Buying lunch is always more expensive than making your own at home. It is one of those big cost cutting tips adults are taught during the recession. If you cannot make ends meet, buy a loaf of bread, some peanut butter, cheese, jelly, cold cuts, etc. From the cost of one school lunch you will be able to feed your kids for DAYS. Make some mac and cheese and give it to them in a mini kids thermos. My parents couldn't afford school lunches, so every other Friday (pizza day) mom would give me a dollar ($1= once big slice, chocolate milk, orange, tater tots). That's right a DOLLAR was a lot of money. I took from a 3 or 4 variety selection of sandwiches -- for years. That money you think of donating can be better spent on clothes, school supplies, shoes, and food supplies that are not ready made meals. I would really encourage people who wish to donate money to check out the charities "in house" costs vs how much they give out, and to think whether you can help certain families out by just teaching them better money management. GIVE to those families and children who have no options with their money not those who make stupid decisions with theirs.

I find it hilarious that this woman 'noticed' that the kids were behind on their school lunch bill. If you are helping someone pick up fallen papers, you do not need to look them over, you simply hand the sheets of paper - immediately to the owner. Seeing that someone is behind on their lunch bill takes more than a glance.

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